Localization Insights
Localization Insights

Integrating Localization with Agile Development

The concept of agile development took shape in 2000 when a team of developers decided that current approaches to software development weren’t working. Today, agile development is a staple of software development, with the methodology focused on speedy development cycles, collaboration, and adaptation. 

Like software development, succeeding at localization calls for a different approach to the usual methodologies. There are many steps within the localization lifecycle that call for the input of software developments. In these cases, effective agile localization makes complete sense, with key benefits including increased product quality and faster time-to-market. 

If your current processes aren’t working for you, it’s time to explore a different route by integrating localization with agile development. Need some pointers on how to get started? Our guide has all the information you need. 

Agile Localization Overview

If you’ve used the agile development methodology before, getting to grips with agile localization should be straightforward. As with the standard agile approach, agile localization breaks down larger work cycles and projects into smaller tasks called ‘sprints.’ Other hallmarks carried over from traditional agile development include collaboration and adaptation. 

With other approaches, translation would usually be left until the development process is over. However, this can cause issues, with developer teams forced to make changes after the fact. With agile localization, translation work is carried out simultaneously with software development. In short, it’s a looser, more flexible approach to localization that’s markedly different from the waterfall method. 

Agile Localization: The Benefits 

If you’re someone who’s spent years embracing the waterfall methodology, making the jump to an agile approach can be daunting. Even if the waterfall model has always worked for you, switching to agile localization can benefit your business in many ways. 

Efficiency Gains 

Using agile methodology when localizing streamlines just about every process. You’ll immediately notice how efficient the approach is compared to the waterfall method, with none of the usual bottlenecks. Updates are sent from developers to translators automatically, freeing up your developers’ time so they can concentrate on more urgent tasks. More streamlined workflows result in fewer resources being used, allowing you to redirect your budget toward other areas.  

Top Marks for Adaptability 

A good localization platform should allow for customization, allowing you to tailor the system to accommodate your individual workflows. With an adaptable localization platform, you’ll be able to get the most out of your in-house teams or manage remote teams and freelancers effectively. 

Ketty Tirrito, Localization Manager at Zendesk, on Zendesk’s top localization strengths:

“I think another great strength is that the product localization team organizes three scrum teams. Each of our teams takes care of a particular area of the software development life cycle, which allows team members to own the process and grow in that area. This brings a lot of expertise and passion to the work.”

A Flexible Approach

Once you embrace the agile methodology, larger projects are broken down into smaller tasks, otherwise known as sprints. Because you’re only focusing on these smaller, more manageable tasks at any one time, it’s far easier to handle the unexpected and reorient your strategy. Agile teams can quickly take stock of the situation and assign new priorities to achieve objectives. 

Common Issues Encountered in Agile Localization

Although agile localization boasts many benefits, this methodology is not without its drawbacks. Below, we’ll take a look at some of the most commonly encountered obstacles you’ll need to watch out for when utilizing the agile approach in localization. 

The Outlay Can Be Expensive

As with any new tool or process, agile localization can prove an expensive adventure, at least initially. Having to shell out for a new management system that enables agile localization can consume a considerable amount of your budget. Depending on the size of your company and the scope of your localization project, that amount might be hard to justify. To make your case for agile more convincing, bring case studies to the table when trying to win over stakeholders. 

Compromised Quality 

Adopting an agile methodology can definitely streamline localization processes and speed up turnaround times. However, sometimes this expedited approach can occasionally result in quality issues. To avoid this problem, you’ll need to have sufficient resources in place to carry out final checks as soon as content is fully localized. 

Not Enough Communication 

A localization team can include dozens of individuals spread across multiple teams and departments. Many of these people might be working from the same location, but translators and native experts are likely going to be based elsewhere. This can result in communication problems and makes collaboration difficult. To sidestep this issue, use a localization management platform that allows for easy collaboration and direct communication. It is also typically recommended to centralize localization at a company for this reason. 

Strategies for Successful Agile Localization

When properly deployed, the agile method can yield many benefits. However, the rapid-paced nature of this methodology can cause problems if you’ve not considered how agile will be integrated into your localization efforts. 

Need some pointers on how to make the most out of this dynamic development method? Below, we’ll take a look at a few tried and tested agile development strategies you can consider trying to increase your odds of localization success. 

Reap the Benefits of Continuous Localization 

Continuous localization takes your everyday translation workflows and integrates them with an agile development cycle. As soon as your translators receive new content from the software development team, they’re good to go. This helps ensure that your translation teams are never left sitting idle. 

What’s more, as you’re not waiting around for content batches to be completed, you can start thinking about releasing your product sooner. An increased speed to market is particularly welcome if you’re looking to mine multiple target markets at once. A positive knock-on effect is that customer satisfaction soars, with complete functionality available at the time of release. 

Enhance Collaboration Between Developer and Translator Teams

One of the founding blocks of the agile development methodology is collaboration. Older localization methods relied on ineffective lines of communication, with development and translator teams often feeling far removed from one another. With the agile method, daily scrums and weekly meetings ensure everyone is on the same page. 

Introduce Iterative Testing 

Another way to increase your odds of success when undertaking a localization project is to make iterative testing central to your workflows. Iterative testing involves taking a gradual approach to development, making small changes based on insights like user feedback. 

Because it happens so frequently, iterative testing is an easy enough undertaking. Furthermore, the insights gained are typically small, allowing additions and changes to be applied more quickly. In general, iterative testing hones in on potential issues quickly. If you catch software-critical bugs and usability issues early enough, you increase your odds of delivering a perfect product to your customers. 

Tools for Agile Localization

Eager to get your next localization off to a running start? Adopting an agile methodology will help you meet your objectives for expansion, but you’ll need the right tools at your disposal if you’re to succeed. Need some suggestions? Read on for five essential tools to help with localization in agile workflows. 


If you’re looking to utilize continuous localization workflows to streamline your everyday operations and increase your speed to market, Crowdin is an obvious choice. Popular with many major companies, Crowdin is packed with plenty of premium features to enhance agile workflows, making it easier to connect with new customers in untapped markets. 

With this tool, you can localize all types of content, with dozens of file formats supported. Ideal if you’re looking for something that localizes basic docs and entire websites alike. Its machine translation potential also impresses, with integrated QA checks allowing you to maintain a high level of quality, every time. 


Lokalize is built with agile teams and workflows in line. This powerful platform puts automation at the forefront, alleviating the pressures on your development and translation teams. Workflows are also transparent, increasing accountability and ensuring miscommunications become a thing of the past. 

Searching for a tool that supports collaboration? Lokalise lets you do exactly that. This feature is particularly handy for translators, with the option of adding notes in real time so changes can be made quickly. 

Plunet BusinessManager 

If you’re after a full-featured translation management system to help with your next localization campaign, give Plunet BusinessManager a try. An ideal choice for agile teams, all the standard features of a translation management system can be found here. Powerful CAT tools like memoQ speed up the translation process considerably, while features like GroupShare allow for streamlined communication. 

An easy-to-use solution with plenty of scope for customization, Plunet BusinessManager is guaranteed to save you precious time. However, some may find the learning curve a little too steep. If you want a tool you can fully utilize from the off, it might be best to look elsewhere. 


Are you searching for cloud-based agile tools to speed up the localization process? Redmine might be the solution. This cross-platform project management tool is ideal for scattered teams, making it an obvious choice for remote-only businesses looking to adopt an agile approach. It’s also perfect if you need something that can handle multiple projects simultaneously. 

File-sharing is simple thanks to a dedicated document management system, while messaging platforms mean there’s no shortage of collaboration options. Time-tracking features make it easy to stay on top of urgent tasks, while reliable customer support brings peace of mind.


This cloud-based localization platform is just the ticket if you’re looking to localize multiple products, including websites and apps for web and mobile. Designed with collaboration in mind, you’ll find plenty of ways to ensure your teams stay connected. Transifex is also highly customizable, allowing you to create unique user interfaces. Keep it simple if you’re starting with inexperienced users, or opt for something more exhaustive if you’re dealing with advanced users. 

All the usual features you’d expect from a robust translation management system are available here. Multiple languages are supported, allowing you to penetrate numerous countries at once. What’s more, terminology management means the translation process can be streamlined, letting you hit your deadlines with ease. 

Embrace the Agile Approach with BLEND

If you want to succeed when expanding into new markets, you’ll need to think about localization. However, making all the right moves when localizing for a new territory is far from simple. From cross-departmental communication to punishingly fast turnaround times, the road to localization success is lined with pitfalls. Fortunately, adopting the agile method can make life much easier. 

When you bring the agile development methodology into play, you can streamline every process, bringing significant efficiency gains and considerable cost savings. What’s more, the flexible nature of the agile method makes it one of the most adaptable ways to work. 

When you adopt the agile methodology, you can reap the rewards of continuous location, increasing your speed to market. Collaboration also benefits, making it a sensible option for remote-only businesses with diverse teams. Finally, breaking a larger localization project down into sprints can make an impossible undertaking seem far more manageable, while also allowing for iterative testing. 

Thinking about adopting the agile approach for your next localization project? At BLEND, we offer a range of localization services that can be seamlessly integrated with the agile methodology. From fast translation with rapid turnaround times to machine learning solutions, direct communication with linguists, and integrations with your choice TMS, CMS, and CAT tools, you’ll be able to build a solid foundation for successful localization

Want to talk about our localization services in more detail? Why not drop us a message today? 

author post

Fouad Habash

As BLEND’s Localization Solutions Engineer, Fouad is a seasoned expert in translation technologies, including TMS, CAT tools, AI and MT. With over 14 years of industry experience, Fouad ensures our clients receive the best and most efficient localization processes.


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